SMITH スミス I/O MAG アイオーマグ BONEFLOW CP ...



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ようこそ  ゲスト さん ログイン 入力補助 English Top ブラウズ 著者 出版年 雑誌名 資料種別 ランキング アクセスランキング ダウンロードランキング その他 成果物の登録方法 大東文化大学図書館HP このアイテムのアクセス数:108件(2024-04-29 07:07 集計) 閲覧可能ファイル  ファイル フォーマット サイズ 閲覧回数 説明 AN10065440-20190301-001 pdf 957 KB 111 論文情報 タイトル 小学校教員対象の英語発音ワークショップの効果 : 質問紙および録画映像の分析 タイトルヨミ ショウガッコウ キョウイン タイショウ ノ エイゴ ハツオン ワークショップ ノ コウカ : シツモンシ オヨビ ロクガ エイゾウ ノ ブンセキ タイトル(別表記) The Effects of English Pronunciation Workshops for Primary School Teachers : Analyses of Survey Results and Video Recordings 著者名 著者/ヨミ/別表記 静, 哲人 シズカ, テツヒト SHIZUKA, Tetsuhito 著者/ヨミ/別表記 淡路, 佳昌 アワジ, ヨシマサ AWAJI, Yoshimasa 主題 小学校英語教育 発音 グルグル・メソッド 発音指導 ラッシュ・モデリング 抄録・概要 Although it has been decided that, from the year 2020 on, English will be taught as a subject at all the primary schools in Japan, many primary teachers lack necessary skills as well as confidence to teach the language. One thing that they are particularly worried about is their own pronunciation abilities. Therefore, it is of immediate and profound importance to improve current primary school teachers’ phonetic skills, but to what extent is it possible to change adults’ EFL pronunciation habits? To answer that question, two 90-minute workshops were given to two groups of primary school teachers, in which they were taught, using the guru-guru (round-and-round) one-on-one feedback method, how to articulate six consonants known to present the largest difficulties to Japanese EFL speakers. Each participant’s performance and reactions during the guru-guru activity were video-recorded. Their perceptions about their own skills were surveyed and their oral readings of eight target sentences were video-recorded at the beginning and at the end of the workshops. Analyses of the pre- and post-workshop data revealed that both their self-perceived and actual pronunciation skills had substantially improved through the 90-minute training sessions, indicating that improving the current primary school teachers’ phonetic skills will be possible if similar training sessions are given. 掲載誌名 語学教育研究論叢 NCID AN10065440 ISSN 09118128 巻 36 開始ページ 1 終了ページ 21 刊行年月日 2019-03-01 言語 日本語 資料種別(NII) 紀要論文 コンテンツの種類 紀要論文 著者版フラグ publisher ホームへ戻る © 2024 Daito Bunka University, All rights reserved       お問い合わせ先 リポジトリ担当 [email protected]

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