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Home About Departments Graduate School Faculty Members Reseacher Database Access Contact Japanese CONTACT JAPANESE &#9776; Menu About Departments Graduate School Faculty Members Reseacher Database ReseacherDatabase Access Contact Departments Department of Plant Biosciences Department of Biological Chemistry Department of Forest Science Department of Food Production andEnvironmental Management Department of Animal Science Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Members --> Department of Plant Biosciences Capacity of Annual Admission:40 Department of Plant Biosciences consists of research areas in Agronomy, Horticulture, Plant Breeding, Plant Physiology, Plant Pathology, Applied Entomology and Agricultural Economy. The faculties at the department of Plant Biosciences are engaged in research from molecular to field level on plants and insects. The aim of our research is to uncover the functions that will be beneficial for human life. Elucidating the molecular and cellular mechanisms of plant adaptation to cold environments, application of viral function to develop next-generation agricultural products, and breeding of valuable new plant strains are the core research topics in our department. These are also main research targets of Iwate University. The educational and research curriculum of Department of Plant Biosciences are designed to educate the students to become competitive at both local and global levels. We are dedicated to teach the skills that are required for developing human resources who can serve as local leaders, as well as researchers with global perspective. Department of Biological Chemistry Capacity of Annual Admission:40 Students of the Department of Biological Chemistry and Food Sciences acquire basic knowledge from chemical and molecular biological perspectives, which is essential to understanding the characteristics of life phenomena and food materials, as well as experimental techniques. Using this acquired basic knowledge, the students will then learn how microbial, animal and plant resources may be used effectively. The students also study how to apply the biological functions of these resources. Students learn the advanced utilization of microorganisms and enzymes, development of food with health benefits or protective function against lifestyle diseases, and the development and application of new food processing technologies. The goal of these courses is to develop researchers and engineers who will be able to act globally in the fields of food, medical, chemical, and environmental industries and other bio-industries. Department of Forest Science Capacity of Annual Admission:30 The Department of Forest Science is intended to educate engineers who have comprehensive knowledge about management and use of the abundant forest resources in Tohoku district, conservation and management of natural resources, and prevention of disaster. Our educational program is certified by JABEE (Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering). Students would learn specialized knowledge and techniques related to the natural environment, forestry, and forest products industry. We also provide opportunities to acquire engineering ethics, communication skills, and group work skills that are needed for forest engineers. We commit to develop human resources who have design skills to solve various problems of forest and forest related issues using their specialized knowledge. Department of Food Production andEnvironmental Management Capacity of Annual Admission:60 Our department provides students with opportunities to learn how to design rural communities in which the natural environment and the social and economic activities of people can sustainably develop and enhances students’ abilities to explore and apply their knowledge of food production (agriculture and fishery) technologies and related resource management. Our department delivers basic and applied educational service in three programs; Rural Engineering Program; Food Systems and Management Program; and Fishery Systems Science Program. Outline and typical research projects of each program are exhibited as below, and students can select one of three educational programs according to their learning interest. Rural Engineering Program Outline Our course offers education and research programs related to; ● Sustainable management of water and land resources in agricultural landscape ● Revitalization of rural communities ● Conservation and management of wildlife and elucidation of ecosystem services Research Projects ● Improvement, maintenance, and restoration of infrastructures including agricultural land and water resources which contribute to environmental sustainability ● Strategy for revitalization of rural communities for human well-being ● Sustainable management of wildlife and local resources in SATOYAMA landscape Food Systems and Management Program Outline Our course offers education and research programs related to; ● Environment control, machinery, food preservation, farm management and marketing for efficient, safe and healthy food production and distribution ● Resource recycling technology for environment-friendly bio-industries Research Projects ● Environment control assisted by plant acclimation ability to save energy and resources ● New postharvest technology for freshness maintenance in food chain ● Theory and practice of farm growth management ● Development of autonomous mobile robot for agricultural productions Fishery Systems Science Program Outline Our course offers education and research programs related to; ● Comprehensive interdisciplinary education and research to sustaining aquatic resources and fishery associated industries ● research for the recovery of fishery and coastal communities in the Sanriku Coast from the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami Research Projects ● Development of aquaculture technologies ● Genetic analysis of marine species ● Understanding of marine ecosystems and ecology ● Technological development of sea food quality control ● Fishery management, resource economics and policy Department of Animal Science Capacity of Annual Admission:30 The objective of the Department of Animal Science is to create happy rural communities in which people and animals coexist. Students learn the science of animals using a variety of animal species. As a part of the development of an efficient and functional livestock industry and animal life science with consideration given to the relationship between people and animals as well as to pollution from the livestock industry, the courses of study are designed to develop technologies and specialists in advanced science. Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine Capacity of Annual Admission:30 Iwate University established the “Cooperative Department of Veterinary Medicine” with Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in 2012. Our multidisciplinary faculties provide systematic education programs for students to develop a wide variety of knowledge and skills in Basic, Pathologic, Applied, Companion Animal and Farm Animal Veterinary Medicine. By utilizing inter-university cooperative education system, we implement high quality veterinary education that meets international standards for students to become capable performing veterinary services in a global setting. Located in Tohoku region, which has one of the largest food animal production in Japan, we are dedicated to educating future veterinarians with particular emphasis on food safety, animal health, and human health. Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University 3-18-8 Ueda, Morioka, Iwate 020-8550, Japan Copyright Iwate University, All Rights Reserved. TEL 019-621-6103 Copyright Iwate University, All Rights Reserved. 岩手大学 農学部 〒020-8550 盛岡市上田3丁目18-8TEL 019-621-6103 Copyright Iwate University, All Rights Reserved. -->

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