


出典: 標準

TOP 教員紹介一覧 大熊 泰之 教員紹介 教員詳細 大熊 泰之 学部長補佐・特任教授(おおくま やすゆき) 学部・大学院:[保健看護学部][医療看護学研究科] --> 【学部】教養基礎 【大学院】臨床病態学 担当授業科目:臨床医学、教養ゼミナール 専門分野 臨床医学(神経学、脳神経内科) 研究テーマ パーキンソン病の病態解明・治療 パーキンソン病関連疾患の歩行障害 臨床神経生理学(脳波・筋電図) 所属学会・研究会 日本神経学会、日本内科学会、日本臨床神経生理学会、International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS) 取得学位 医学博士 1996年(順天堂大学)医学士  1982年(順天堂大学) 最近の研究と活動 主な社会活動 Treasurer, Asian & Oceanian Section of International Parkinson and MDS (2015-2019) 静岡県指定難病審査会委員(2000-現在) 日本神経学会パーキンソン病治療ガイドライン(初版)作成委員(2000-2002) 日本神経学会代議員・指導医 著書・テキスト等 Okuma Y, Mizuno Y. Electrophysiology and other auxiliary investigations. In Cognitive impairment and dementia in Parkinson’s disease. 2nd edition. Ed. by Emre M. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 153-162, 2015 Okuma Y, Mizuno Y. Electrophysiology and other auxiliary investigations. In Dementia in Parkinson’s Disease. Ed. by Emre M. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2010 大熊泰之. すくみ足. パーキンソン病の理学療法. 奈良 勲監修、松尾善美、石井光昭編、医歯薬出版 2020、pp 41-54. 大熊泰之. 歩行障害. 神経症候学と神経診断学 – AIは味方か敵か? - Clinical Neuroscience 38:1453-1456, 2020 大熊泰之. パーキンソン病のすくみ足と転倒. パーキンソン病200年 – James Parkinsonの夢 -. 山本光利編、中外医学社、2019年、pp158-161 大熊泰之. すくみ足はどのように治療したらよいでしょうか?抗パーキンソン病薬で増悪するすくみ足もありますか? 神経内科clinical questions and pearls: パーキンソン病. 鈴木則宏監修、服部信孝、下 泰司、波田野 琢 編、中外医学社 2019, pp243-247 大熊泰之. パーキンソン病の歩行障害の特徴. パーキンソン病のリハビリテーョン. 林 明人編、日本医事新報 2018, pp47-52 大熊泰之.第3章 症候から鑑別診断へ.てんかん.神経内科ハンドブック第5版,水野美邦編集,医学書院,東京,2016 大熊泰之.第4章 神経学的検査法.生理学的検査.神経内科ハンドブック第5版,水野美邦編集,医学書院,東京,2016 大熊泰之.第5章 診断と治療.脊椎疾患.神経内科ハンドブック第5版,水野美邦編集,医学書院,東京,2016 大熊泰之.転倒(歩行障害).パーキンソン病・パーキンソン症候群の在宅ケア.佐藤 猛,服部信孝,村田美穂編,中央法規,東京,2016, pp132-138. 大熊泰之.セクションIII.神経症候の診かた. 23.異常姿勢の診かた.臨床神経内科学改訂6版.平山恵造監修,廣瀬源二郎,田代邦雄,葛原茂樹編集,南山堂,東京,2016, pp237-241 大熊泰之.セクションIII.神経症候の診かた. 24.起立・歩行障害の診かた.臨床神経内科学改訂6版.平山恵造監修,廣瀬源二郎,田代邦雄,葛原茂樹編集,南山堂,東京,2016, pp242-250 河尻澄宏,大熊泰之.進行性核上性麻痺,皮質基底核変性症.神経疾患最新の治療2015-2017. p156-158. 南江堂 2015. 大熊泰之.進行期治療をどうするか?(運動合併症の対処,姿勢異常,すくみ,転倒への対処).インフォームドコンセントのための図説シリーズ:パーキンソン病.武田篤編,医薬ジャーナル社,2013, pp64-73. 大熊泰之.パーキンソン病のすくみ足ってどんな症状なの? jmedあなたも名医.ここを押さえる,パーキンソン病診療.服部信孝編,日本医事新報社2012. P45-50. 大熊泰之.パーキンソン病治療における抗コリン薬の位置づけは? jmedあなたも名医.ここを押さえる,パーキンソン病診療.日本医事新報社2012. P73-76. 塩月寛美,大熊泰之.変性疾患 —パーキンソン病を中心として−.神経救急・集中治療ハンドブック2012 大垣光太郎,大熊泰之.歩行障害 −責任病巣はどこか−.すべての内科医が知っておきたい神経疾患の診かた考え方とその対応.大生定義編,羊土社 2012 pp77 大熊泰之.パーキンソン病の転倒防止と寝たきり予防.GP・レジデントのためのパーキンソン病テキストブック.山本光利編,アルタ出版 2012. p218-227 大熊泰之.すくみ足.パーキンソン病の理学療法.奈良勲,松尾善美編.医歯薬出版,東京,37-47, 2011 波田野 琢,波田野靖子,大熊泰之:パーキンソニズムと紛らわしい症状.よくわかるパーキンソン病のすべて.水野美邦,近藤智善編.永井書店,大阪,347-358, 2011 大熊泰之:パーキンソン病の病態生理.よくわかるパーキンソン病のすべて.水野美邦,近藤智善編.永井書店,大阪,389-401, 2011 大熊泰之.第3章 症候から鑑別診断へ.てんかん.神経内科ハンドブック第4版,水野美邦編集,医学書院,東京,2010, pp187-213 大熊泰之.第4章 神経学的検査法.生理学的検査.神経内科ハンドブック第4版,水野美邦編集,医学書院,東京,2010, pp457-500 大熊泰之.第5章 診断と治療.脊椎疾患.神経内科ハンドブック第4版,水野美邦編集,医学書院,東京,2010, pp1012-1026 大熊泰之:パーキンソン病におけるアパシーの臨床症状と評価.Parkinson’s Disease 2010. 山本光利編.アルタ出版.2010, pp102-111. 大熊泰之:minipolymyoclonusについて.パーキンソン病診療Q&A.水野美邦編.中外医学社.2009.pp 7-9. 大熊泰之:パーキンソン病治療における抗コリン薬の位置づけは?.服部信孝編.日本医事新報社.2009.pp 57-60. 大熊泰之:熱性けいれん.疾患と薬物治療.知っておきたいcommon disease 101. 富野康日己,望月正隆編.医歯薬出版.2008, pp290-292. 大熊泰之:Dopamine agonists. EBMのコンセプトを取り入れたパーキンソン病ハンドブック(改訂2版). 水野美邦編. 中外医学社,東京, 2007, pp117-141 学術論文等 <総説> Silva de Lima AL, 他5名, Okuma Y, Bloem BR, Faber MJ. Freezing of gait and fall detection in Parkinson's disease using wearable sensors: a systematic review. J Neurol. 2017 doi: 10.1007/s00415-017-8424-0. [Epub ahead of print] Okuma Y.  Practical approach to freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease. Pract Neurol 14:222-230, 2014 Okuma Y.  Freezing of gait and falls in Parkinson’s disease. J Parkinson’s disease 4:255-260, 2014 Okuma Y, Yanagisawa N. The clinical spectrum of freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord 23(Suppl 2) :S426-430, 2008 Okuma Y. Freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease. J Neurol 253 (suppl 7) :vii27-vii32, 2006 <原著(英文、過去10年)> Igami E, Fujimaki M, Shimizu M, Ishiguro Y, Kodama T, Okuma Y, Hattori N,  Noda K. Reversible Pisa syndrome caused by chronic subdural hematoma in a patient with Parkinson’s disease: a case report. BMC Neurology 22;432, 2022 Baba T, Takeda A, Murakami A, Koga T, Isomura T, Mori E; DASH-PD study group. (Okuma Y. is a member of this study group.) Effect of donepezil for dementia prevention in Parkinson’s disease with severe hyposmia (The DASH-PD study): A randomized long-term placebo-controlled trial. eClinical Medicine 51:101571, 2022 Ogawa T, Ogaki K, Daida K, Nishimaki T, Ando M, Kawajiri S, Wada R, Noda K, Hattori N, Okuma Y. Progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus and myasthenia gravis comorbid status with thymoma. Mov Disord Clin Pract 8 (Suppl 1):S11-13, 2021 Balint B, Ogawa T, Ogaki K, Daida K, Nishimaki T, Ando M, Kawajiri S, Wada R, Noda K, Hattori N, Okuma Y, Barsottini O. Commentary: Progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus and myasthenia gravis comorbid status with thymoma. Mov Disord Clin Pract 8 (Suppl 1):S14-15, 2021 Iijima M, Okuma Y, 他6名, Hattori N. Associations between probable REM sleep behavior disorder, olfactory disturbance, and clinical symptoms in Parkinson’s disease: A multicenter cross-sectional study. PLOS One 16: e0247443, 2021 Hattori N, Tsuboi Y, Yamamoto A, Sasagawa Y, Nomoto M, ME2125-3 Study Group (Okuma Y is one of the members of the study group). Efficacy and safety of safinamide as an add-on therapy to L-DOPA for patients with Parkinson’s disease: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II/III study. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 75;17-23, 2020 Toyama M, Okuma Y, 他8名, Nakayama T. Non-motor symptoms depending on motor severity in Japanese patients with Parkinson’s disease: A multicenter cross-sectional study. J Neurol Sci 412;116641, 2020 Ogawa T, 他6名, Okuma Y. Novel GFAP p. Glu206Ala mutation in Alexander disease with decreased dopamine transporter uptake. Mov Disord Clin Pract 8;720-722, 2020 Noda K, 他6名, Okuma Y. Mesial frontal lobe infarction presenting as Pisa syndrome. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 29;104882: 2020 Daida K, 他7名, Okuma Y. Somnolence preceded the development of a subthalamic lesion in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder. Intern Med 59;577-579, 2020 Suzuki K, Okuma Y, 他15名, Hirata K. Determinants of low body mass index in patients with Parkinson's disease: A multicenter case-control study. J Parkinson’s dis 10;213-221, 2020 Ando Y, Fujimoto K-I, Ikeda K, Utsumi H, Okuma Y,他11名. Postural abnormality in Parkinson’s disease: a large comparative study with general population. Mov Disord Clin Pract 6: 213-221, 2019 Iijima M, 他7名, Okuma Y. Efficacy of istradefylline for gait disorders with freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease: A single-arm, open-label, prospective, multicenter study. Expert Opin Pharmacother 20: 1405-1411, 2019 Watanabe D, Matsunobe I, Okuma Y, Nagaoka M. Releasing forced grasp reflex by use of concomitant imitation behavior during rehabilitation of a stroke patient. BMJ Case Rep 12:e228304, 2019 Shojima Y, 他6名, Okuma Y, Urabe T, Yokoyama K, Hattori N. Clinical characterization of definite autoimmune limbic encephalitis: a 30-case series. Intern Med 58:3369-3378, 2019 Suzuki K, Okuma Y, 他12名, Hirata K; Kanto NMPD investigators. The prevalence, course and clinical correlates of migraine in Parkinson’s disease: A multicenter case-controlled study. Cephalalgia 38:1535-1544, 2018 Mezaki N, 他13名, Okuma Y, 他3名, Ikeuchi K. Duplication and deletion upstream of LMNB1 in autosomal dominant adult onset leukodystrophy. Neurol Genet 4:e292, 2018 Mikasa M, 他7名, Okuma Y, 他5名, Hattori N. CoQ2 variants in Parkinson’s disease and multiple system atrophy. J Neural Transm (Vienna) 125:937-944, 2018 Yoritaka A, 他11名, Okuma Y, 他11名, Hattori N. Randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial of hydrogen water for Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord 33:1505-1507, 2018 Okuma Y, Silva de Lima AL, Fukae J, Bloem BR, Snijders AH. A prospective study of falls in relation to freezing of gait and response fluctuations in Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 46:30-35, 2018 Youn J, Okuma Y, Hwang M, Kim D, Cho JW. Falling direction can predict the mechanism of recurrent falls in advanced Parkinson’s disease. Sci Rep. 7:3921, 2017 Ouma S, 他5名, Okuma Y, Kashihara KI, Hattori N, Tsuboi Y. The risk factor for the wearing-off phenomenon in Parkinson’s disease in Japan: A cross-sectional, multicenter study. Intern Med 56:1961-1966, 2017 Suzuki K, Okuma Y, 他10名,Hirata K; Kanto NMPD investigators. Characterizing restless legs syndrome and leg motor restlessness in patients with Parkinson’s disease: A multicenter case-controlled study. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 44:18-22, 2017 Suzuki K, Okuma Y, 他10名, Hirata K; Kanto NMPD investigators. Impact of sleep-related symptoms on clinical motor subtypes and disability in Parkinson’s disease: a multicenter cross-sectional study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 88:953-959, 2017 Suzuki K, Okuma Y, 他12名, Hirata K; Kanto NMPD investigators. The prevalence, course and clinical correlates of migraine in Parkinson’s disease: A multicenter case-controlled study. Cephalalgia. 2017:333102417739302. Noda K, Hattori N, Okuma Y, Yamamoto T. Chronic subdural haematoma presenting as freezing of gait. BMJ Case Rep. 2017. pii: bcr-2017-221469. Kawajiri S, 他5名, Okuma Y. A case of painless legs and moving toes syndrome in Parkinson’s disease responsive to dopaminergic therapy. Case Rep Neurol Med. 2016:6829410, 2016 Sasaki F, 他6名, Okuma Y. Occipital lobe seizures and subcortical T2 and T2* hypointensity associated with nonketotic hyperglycemia: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 10:228, 2016 Noda K, 他2名, Okuma Y, Yamamoto T. Hemichorea improvement following endarterectomy for internal carotid artery stenosis. J Neurol Sci 371:45-47, 2016 Noda K. Hattori, N, Okuma Y. Re-emergent tremor in a patient with Parkinson’s disease. BMJ Case Rep 2016, bcr2016216436, 2016 Yoritaka A, 他11名, Okuma Y, 他9名. A randomized double-blind multi-center trial of hydrogen water for Parkinson’s disease: protocol and baseline characteristics. BMC Neurology 16:66, 2016 Tomizawa Y, 他11名, Okuma Y. Tumefactive demyelinating brain lesions with multiple closed-ring enhancement in the course of neuromyelitis optica. J Neurol Sci 361:49-51, 2016 Noda K, 他5名, Okuma Y.  Delayed chorea after recovery from severe akinetic-rigid parkinsonism caused by extrapontine myelinolysis. J Neurol Sci 358:498-500, 2015 Noda K, 他6名, Okuma Y. Middle cerebral artery occlusion presenting as upper limb monochorea. J Stroke Cerebrovascular Dis 24:e-291-293, 2015 Murata M, 他5名; Japan zonisamide on PD Study Group (Y. Okuma is a member of this study group). Zonisamide improves wearing-off in Parkinson’s disease: A randomized, double-blind study. Mov Disord 30:1343-1350, 2015 Tanaka R, Yamashiro K, Okuma Y, 他6名. Effects of pioglitazone for secondary stroke prevention in patients with impaired glucose tolerance and newly diagnosed diabetes: The J-SPIRIT study. J Atheroscler Thromb. 22:1305-1316, 2015 Noda K, 他3名, Okuma Y. Pisa syndrome in progreesive supranuclear palsy: a case report. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 21:1115-1116, 2015 Fujimaki M, 他6名, Okuma Y. Lymphomatoid granulomatosis with central nervous system involvement successfully treated with cyclophosphamide, high-dose cytarabin, dexamethasone, etoposide, and rituximab (CHASER therapy) : Case study. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics 21:610-612, 2015 Tomizawa T, 他4名, Okuma Y. A patient with the GLA p.E66Q mutation exhibiting vascular parkinsonism and bilateral pulvinar lesions. Intern Med 54:2503-2506, 2015 Tomizawa T, 他8名, Okuma Y. The diagnostic utility of splenial lesion in a case of Legionnaires’ disease due to Legionella pneumophila serogroup 2. Intern Med 54:3079-3082, 2015 Fukae J, 他7名, Okuma Y, 他3名. Utility of the Japanese version of the 9-item wearing-off questionnaire. Clin Neurol Neurosurgery 134:110–115, 2015 Tomizawa Y, 他6名, Okuma Y. Two cases of steroid responsive encephalomyelitis with reversible diffuse cerebral arterial stenosis: A case report and review of the literature. Clin Exper Neuroimmunol 6: 89–92, 2015 Kawajiri S, 他5名, Okuma Y. Low dose of clonazepam is effective in the treatment of Painless legs and moving toes syndrome: A case report.  Case Rep Neurol 7:59-62, 2015. Noda K, Hattori N, Okuma Y. Hemiballism with leg predominance caused by contralateral subthalamic haemorrhage.BMJ Case Rep. 2015 bcr-2014-208525 Miura Y, 他6名, for the CNTN1-CIDP Study Group (Okuma Y. is a member of this study group). Contactin-1 IgG4 associates to chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy with sensory ataxia. Brain 138:1484-91, 2015 Okuma Y. A patient-invented maneuver to alleviate freezing of gait using a foot loop band. Case Rep Neurol 6:256–258, 2014 Yamashiro K, Tanaka R, Okuma Y, 他5名. Cerebral microbleeds are associated with worse cognitive function in the nondemented elderly with small vessel disease. Cerebrovasc Dis Extra 4:212–220, 2014 Yoneyama M, Okuma Y, 他3名. Human turnover dynamics during sleep: statistical behavior and its modeling.  Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 89:032721, 2014 Noda K, Hattori N, Okuma Y. Primary central nervous system lymphoma presenting as choreoathetosis. BMJ Case Rep 2014, bcr-2013-203353 Yamashiro K, Tanaka R, Okuma Y, 他3名. Associations of durations of antiplatelet use and vascular risk factors with the presence of cerebral microbleeds. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 23:433-440, 2014 Oji Y, 他3名, Okuma Y, Yamashiro K. Spontaneous spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage after severe coughing: a case report. J Med Case Reports 7;274, 2013 Mori A, 他2名, Okuma Y, 他7名. Bilateral facial nerve palsy due to otitis media associated with myeloperoxidase-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody. Am J Med Sci 346;240-243, 2013 Fuse A, 他5名, Okuma Y. Reversible focal cerebral cortical lesions in a patient with heat stroke. Intern Med 52;377-380, 2013 Yoneyama M, Mitoma H, Okuma Y. Accelerometry-based long-term monitoring of movement disorders: from diurnal gait behavior to nocturnal bed mobility. J Mechanics Med Biol 13; 1350041, 2013 Utsumi H, Okuma Y, 他11名. Evaluation of the efficacy of pramipexole for treating levodopa-induced dyskinesia in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Intern Med 52:325-332, 2013 Utsumi H, 他5名, Okuma Y, 他3名, Mitoma H. Quantitative assessment of gait bradykinesia in Parkinson’s disease using a portable gait rhythmogram. Acta Medica Okayama 66:31-40, 2012 Ogaki K, 他8名, Okuma Y. Anti-aquaporin-4 antibody-positive definite neuromyelitis optica in a patient with thymectomy for myasthenia gravis. Neurologist 18:76-79, 2012(*corresponding author) Terashi H, 他3名, Okuma Y, Yoneyama M, Mitoma H. Deficits in scaling of gait force and cycle in parkinsonian gait identified by long-term monitoring of acceleration with the portable gait rhythmogram. ISRN Neurology Volume 2012, Article ID 306816, 8 pages Utsumi H, 他3名, Okuma Y, Yoneyama M, Mitoma H. How far do the complaints of patients with Parkinson’s disease reflect motor fluctuation? Quantitative analysis using a portable gait ryhthmogram. ISRN Neurology Volume 2012, Article ID 研究発表(過去10年) Okuma Y. Unique methods to alleviate freezing of gait that people with Parkinson’s developed. World Parkinson Congress 2023. Barcelona. Jul 4-8, 2023 Shiraishi M, Mikami K, Kamo H, Tsunemi T, Okuma Y, Fujimoto K, Yokota Y, Nogawa S, Osada T, Seki M, Nagayama H, Hatano T, Nakajima H, Suzuki K, Yamamoto T, Yamano Y, Hattori N, Iijima M. Effect of perception of vertical position on forward flexion posture in Parkinson’s disease. 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology, Chiba, May 31-Jun 3, 2023 Okuma Y. Relationship between falls and motor state in Parkinson’s disease patients with motor fluctuation. International congress of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders 2022. Madrid. Sep 15-18, 2022 大熊泰之. すくみ足に対するユニークな対処法. 第16回パーキンソン病・運動障害疾患コングレス. 東京. 2022年7月21-23日. 白石 眞、関東パーキンソン病勉強会(大熊ら). パーキンソン病患者の垂直姿位の認識が前屈姿勢に及ぼす影響 - 多施設研究(中間報告). 第63回日本神経学会学術大会. 東京、2022年5月18-21日 Okuma Y. Invited lecture. Clinical and research approaches on freezing. MDS-AOS Gait and Balance Online Course. Apr 17-18, 2021 Iijima M,他7名 , Okuma Y. Efficacy of istradefylline for quality of life in Parkinson’s disease with freezing of gait.第61回日本神経学会学術大会、岡山、8月31日−9月2日、2020 Ogawa T, 他5名, Okuma Y. Video Challenge, A 44-year-old woman presenting with movement disorder. International congress of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders. Sep 13、2020 Okuma Y. Weight loss and nutrition in Parkinson’s disease. 6th Asian and Oceanian Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders congress. Hangzhou, Apr 14, 2019  Okuma Y. Functional anatomy of posture, gait and freezing of gait. Basic and clinical science summer school, Seoul, Korea, Aug 9, 2019 Okuma Y. The first patient treated with LCIG. Treatment for advanced Parkinson’s disease, Seoul, Korea, Aug 10, 2019 Iijima M,他7名, Okuma Y. Relationship between RBD and olfactory disorder, clinical symptoms in Parkinson's disease. 23 th International congress of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders, Nice, France Sep 22-26, 2019 Suzuki K, Okuma Y, 他14名, Hirata K: Determinants of body mass index in patients with Parkinson's disease: A multicenter study.第60回日本神経学会学術大会,大阪,May 24, 2019 Okuma Y, Silva de Lima AL, Fukae J, Bloem BR, Snijders AH. A prospective study of falls in relation to freezing of gait and motor fluctuation in Parkinson’s disease. Freezing of gait 2018. Leuven, June 7-8, 2018 Okuma Y, Mitoma H. Determination of falling direction in Parkinson’s disease patients using a wearable sensor. International congress of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders 2018. Hong Kong, Oct 5-9, 2018 Okuma Y, Mitoma H. Objective identification of freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease patients using a triaxial accelerometer. 21th International Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders congress, Vancouver, June 4-8, 2017 Iijima M, Orimo S, 6 others, Okuma Y. Efficacy of Istradefylline for Gait Disorders in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease. 23rd World Congress of Neurology, Kyoto, Sep 15-21, 2017 Yoritaka A, 11 others, Okuma Y, 11 others, Hattori N. A randomized double-blind multi-center trial of hydrogen water for Parkinson’s disease.  23rd World  Congress of Neurology, Kyoto, Sep 16-21, 2017 Okuma Y. Invited speaker. History and current status of gait disorders in Japan. 1st International conference of Korean movement disorders society, Jeju, Oct 28-30, 2016 Okuma Y. Invited speaker. Freezing of gait and falls in Parkinson’s disease. 2016 Annual meeting of the Taiwan movement society, Taipei, Oct 22-23, 2016 Okuma Y, Mitoma H, Yoneyama M. Identifying freezing of gait and falls in Parkinson's disease patients using a body-worn sensor. 15th Asian and Oceanian congress of Neurology, Kuala Lumpur, August 18-21, 2016 Okuma Y, Mitoma H, Yoneyama M. Identifying freezing of gait and falls in Parkinson's disease patients using a body-worn sensor. 20th International Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders congress, Berlin, June 19-23, 2016 Okuma Y, Mitoma H, Yoneyama M. Detection and quantification of freezing of gait and falls in Parkinson's disease patients using a body-worn sensor. 22thWorld congress of Neurology, Santiago, Nov 1, 2015 Okuma Y, Mitoma H, Yoneyama M. Detection and quantification of freezing of gait and falls in Parkinson's disease patients using a wearable motion sensor. 19th International Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders congress, San Diego, June, 2015 Okuma Y. Symposium speaker. Physiological and clinical dynamics of freezing of gait and falls in Parkinson’s disease. 4th Asian & Oceanian Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders congress. Pattaya Thailand, Nov 28-30, 2014 Okuma Y, Mitoma H, Yoneyama M. Detecting freezing of gait and falls using wearable motion recorder in Parkinson's disease patients. 18th International Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders congress, Stockholm, June8-12, 2014 Okuma Y. Symposium speaker. Freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease. 2nd Joint World Congress of ISPGR and Gait and Mental function. Akita, Japan, June 22-26, 2013 Okuma Y. Symposium speaker. Freezing of gait and falls in Parkinson’s disease patients. 9th international congress on mental disorders & other non-motor features in Parkinson’s disease and related disorders, Seoul, South Korea, April 18-21, 2013 Okuma Y. Symposium speaker. Clinical spectrum and a practical approach to freezing of gait (FOG) in PD. 6th Annual scientific meeting of the Association of Srilankan Neurologists(ASN). Nov 18, 2012 Okuma Y, Mitoma H, Yoneyama M. Detecting freezing of gait and falls using motion recorder in Parkinson’s disease patients during everyday activities. 1st Joint World Congress of ISPGR and Gait & Mental Function. Trondheim, Norway, June 24-28, 2012 Okuma Y, Mitoma H, Yoneyama M. Detecting falls and freezing with motion recorder in Parkinson’s disease patients under daily life condition. East Asian Neurology Forum, Nagoya, May 18-20, 2011 Okuma Y, Mitoma H, Bloem BR. Detection of falls in Parkinson’s disease: combination of fall reports and motion recordings. The 3rd AOPMC, Taipei, Mar 25-27, 2011 研究助成等 車椅子上の足底接地の条件に着目した誤嚥防止に有効な座位姿勢の解明(分担研究者).日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金. 基盤研究(C).  2023年度 - 2026年度. LCIG療法を受ける進行期パーキンソン病患者の在宅療養を支える看護の構築(分担研究者).日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金. 基盤研究(C).  2021年度 - 2023年度. 重度嗅覚障害を呈するパーキンソン病を対象としたドネペジルの予後改善効果に関する研究(分担研究者). 厚生労働科学研究費補助金→国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構(AMED) 臨床研究・治験推進研究事業 2012年度-2016年度.  独立成分解析による脳死判定のための脳波信号処理(分担研究者).日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金. 基盤研究(B) 2000年度-2001年度. A型ボツリヌス菌毒素の筋肉内限局投与法による不随意運動の治療(研究代表者). 日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金. 奨励研究(A) 1991年度. 関連記事 全てを表示する+ ページの先頭へ --> Juntendo University Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube LINE 〒113-8421 東京都文京区本郷2丁目1番1号  TEL: 03-3813-3111(代表) お問い合わせ サイトマップ このサイトについて プライバシーポリシー Copyright © JUNTENDO All rights reserved.

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